Friday, August 9, 2013

Strong Hopes

There you are, across the seas
Tides so high, waves so soft
The mountains so tall, my sight so faint
Hopes so strong, strength so weak

My sight par the horizon,
In faint hopes to meet
Like the river, yearning to touch,
the soft sand on the shore

Nostalgic times become my life
Memories plenty, life so little
Survival is all I have,
Until the day we meet again

The nourishment, the love
None of that is here, my love
The passion for you, the yearning I have
For that one feel, one touch of you

Your aroma so divine, your words of music
The touch of you, the warmth you share
You taught me to love,
you built the passion in me... For you

Years passed by, time stood still
Your beauty vivid in me,
My love for you is all I have
One sight of you, is all I ask

Miles away, in a world so alien
I seek, I strive, I look to a day to unite
not because you gave me all I have
because you showed me what I have

Words don't do justice
To explain the melancholy in me
For happiness is with you,
Until the day I meet you again,

Each day passes in the hope to meet
My good old love, my beloved country


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Good one! I see you miss Hamara Bharat Mahaan!

  3. really good,.. very beautifully written... ur country misses u too.....come soon....

  4. Beautifully written. i love it... jayan

  5. Very well written :)

    I see you update your blog only every 3 months or so...Try to do the second one from now in Tamil :)

  6. Bravo! And to think, I believed one can never find words to describe how much u can miss India.. I stand corrected... Especially love the fact that every word enunciates a different nostalgic serenity.
    Yes! Words don't do justice.. this is close enough... :)

  7. can und how u feel.. its really good.. And happy independence day! :)

  8. I love this, Pooja. How beautifully and poignantly you have expressed what I feel so often, even after all these years! Bravo!
