Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Hopes Together

We are asking you
The request for you to say yes
We yearn for that day
That truly brings us together

We love you, we respect you
Moments with you are cherished,
Moments to be with you are dreamed
And yet, you refuse

One nod, one smile, one yes
A hope still burning wild in us
We look to you with eyes filled with dreams
For you to see it, for you to accept it

We know it is difficult for you
A life lived too long this way
For you don't know of life our way
And yet, we know it is not impossible for you

The world knows it, accepts it
It has been done, 
Even when you say no
But we wait..we wait because of our hope

No, we don't need you
We dont need your nod or your smile
We want you, because we know
We are because of you

We stand tall and speak to you
Because you showed us how
You taught us to have strength
Values that we should believe in

So here we are, asking you
Rooted in our values, our strength,
Our love.

With hopes still burning wild in us
For one nod, one smile, one yes from you.


  1. Excellent. Kallaiyum karaikkakkoodiya kavidhai...You should keep mail-bombing her with this until she accepts...

  2. Beautifully written and thoughts I can so relate to. wishing you well at all times, with a nod, a smile, a support and prayers for the dreams to be realised and for the fulfillment of all the hopes burning in you.....

  3. pooie...so well written..I hope the right people understand :)...keep writing girl....you are a wordsmith par excellence

  4. Hey.. this is so beautifully and brilliantly written and so true. We are all together in this... and are also waiting... patiently.... best wishes... Hopes Together says it all.... God bless...

  5. Vida muyarchi viswaroopa vetri! so true. just u b patient

  6. All this, unfortunate though it is, will only make you and your bond stronger. Good luck, keep smiling and singing and painting and all will be well!

  7. Beautifully written poo...Keep your spirits high! You will be rewarded for your wait!
