Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Beliefs Surreal

Parallel worlds that never meet
Conflicted I am, what is real, what is not
To where we belong, where I am
The worlds so different

One's void fulfilled by the other
One's abundance, making up for the lost
Always a battle of what is,
what isn't 

Is it what I don't see, the known
Or what I know, that still remains a stranger

Is it the faith, or the fact
Where a million words cannot replace,
A single sparkle of imagination
With a tint of love

A million rays of shine
It is, yet just a reflection of particles
A manifestation of the hues that form

And yet the eye glitters
With wonder, a sense of amazement

For it is not just a particle, but a creation
A wonder known and yet mysterious
Perhaps derived and yet created

From the known through the ignorant
Or vice versa

Unreal is it, real it is
Perhaps surreal
The creation, the manifestation.


  1. too much da... love the lines..
    One's void fulfilled by the other
    One's abundance, making up for the lost
    Always a battle of what is,
    what isn't

    but... the void... remains... miss u lots

  2. This is brilliant.. has a touch of bharathiyar's essence... sounds like nirpadhuve nadapadhuve.... Surreal indeed....

  3. Waah! Scaling unseen heights with each post. Keep it coming girl!!!

  4. Okka makka!! Phe-no-mi-nal! Super fantastic excellent balle...

  5. Lovely, Pooja! So much depth of meaning in these lines, so beautifully written.

  6. Brilliant way with words is spectacular...
