Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Ever-changing Dreams of Life

Travelled the roads I always knew,
Wandered spaces I knew to be true
Enlightened I felt reaching home,
Until I packed up again, ready to roam.

Seeking stability of normal,
I led each day towards the goal.
What is normal, I begin to seek,
Goals unknown, I start to feel weak.

My heart wanders, telling me its fine,
My mind ponders, wandering what life is mine.
Change is the only constant they said —
Evolution of thoughts were never read.
Born I am to fulfill dreams,
Of whose, I fail to concieve.

Laborious learning begins with labor,
Constant endeavors to succeed over
The goals are fulfilled every day,
I pray for every obstacle to be at bay,
With the constant drive to achieve,
Childhood memories are left to grieve..
Mid-life crisis became quarter life searches
Fulfilling dreams I never envisioned
Directionless I am, seeking vision…

Wanting to travel roads I never knew,
Spaces I did not know were true.
Home is in my heart, my lofe.
In search of dreams, I begin to roam.

Life is more than this, you little one,
Fight for yourself, or from crisis you will run,
Dream big for life goals with passion and sense,
To let the world know, you belonged here once.