Friday, January 4, 2013

I am, Because of You

I don't remember the first time you held me
I can't recall the feeling when we met
When you first saw my Tears, Rejoiced my smile
I don't have a story of us,
And yet that doesn't leave a void in me

For I've known you as much as I've known myself
Ever since I've existed in this world
It is inevitable but for me to take your presence for granted
It is you I opened my eyes to,
You who I walked towards,
Raised my arms to for an embrace

I am, because of you,
It is part of your life I carry in me
Years have gone by, and yet you remain
You are there in me, In my soul
It is because of you that I exist
For I am because of you
When I close my eyes and think of how much I need you,
I always open my Eyes to see you

Am bereft of words to be able to thank you,
It's more than the gratitude
It is the faith I've had in you, in me
In my existence because of you
In the laughter we share,
In the tears we shed
In the songs we sing
The lyrics we forget
To every second that made us love each other more
To every thought of mine with you,
And yours in me

All I can think of, is how lucky I am,
To have you
To whom if I close my eyes in need of you
I am sure I'll open my eyes to see you
Like it’s always been, my dearest mom

Love you Di.