Wednesday, December 19, 2012

To you, From us

We live in a constant state of fear
What should we wear?
How should we walk?
Should we look up – or should we stare at our feet?

No, these are not our decisions
It is what you ask us to do
We do everything that it takes
To have a normal peaceful life

And yet, your lewd comments
The remarks that bring tears to our eyes
The constant brushing of your body, in public spaces
Your lecherous eyes, staring down at us

And yet we are made to feel ashamed
We are asked to change ourselves
Like it is your birthright
For it is not ours.

We prosper and we progress
We are stronger and we work harder
We know power, we understand being in power
But no sir, we do not HARM
Because of your rules, your birthright
Because of whom you want us to be
How you want us to dress, talk and behave

Today, we are relieved when
We see a gun in your hand approaching us
Than the worst nightmare you have in store for us.