Tuesday, November 22, 2011

At the cross roads

At the cross roads...
When life gives you the sudden instance where you are forced to realize, not wanting to, how alone you are…
In a world where there is abundance of life…and as ironic as that maybe - a deficiency of life…

The liveliness in the word life itself doesn’t mean even a tenth of the life that we try to have and strive to have…

Life by itself is wonderful, until we add all that we have onto it, assuming this is how it is meant to be, this is how it should be and act, against our nature, against mother nature on those lines

We work, all day all night, we believe we do it to live – the truth being as sad as it is - we merely survive…

Who defined life, why did we define our life with what the world believes it is and it should be. There are no steadfast rules on how to live, and yet, here we are limiting ourselves, when we know there is no limit…

There is happiness all around and yet, we choose to turn away from it. We let people and things conquer our life, when we are merely standing by watching us struggle through each second that we did not define to us…

We are not actors in this world, but mere puppets – to a materialistic world where the least importance is given to oneself.