Friday, April 29, 2011

Torn Apart

Life could never be better
Love was all around
With you beside me, my love
My happiness revolved around you
But there came a moment
That I have not foreseen
Never imagined in my wildest dreams

The day my life ended
Was the day you left me
Happiness revolved around vacuum
Life never seemed this bitter
Love was all I thought about

You were all I wanted back
For reasons known to you
Unknown and ignorant that I was
I paid the price for letting you go
I dint have a choice, for you had made yours

I look at you today
As you were before
As happiness never left you
Because you let someone else’s revolve around you

But here I am still with your thoughts
Changing myself to the person you wanted me to be
My life moving like a painted picture
But my world shattered into millions of pieces

No, it’s not your fault
My life is because of me
I let you pierce through it
And now the pain doesn’t seize to flow

I lose myself into a world
Where am unaware of myself
My friends my family my deeds
The values I possess seem unknown to me
Because I lost you, for reasons I don’t know

Yes, I may have choices
But this is the life I am forced to choose
Seeing you happy makes me feel good
But dreaming of you in my arms makes me love you more

You hurt me, you killed my life
Yet I let you do it to me, everyday, ever since
Because I am not willing to live reality
I gave my life for you, my love
I gave up my family friends and happiness for losing you

That one soul that changed me
That one soul that tore me apart
Oh my love, today I look back
Unable to answer -
Are u really worth losing myself for?