Friday, May 21, 2010

Situations make me pen these lines....

A long way ahead of me,
A treacherous path filled with obstacles,
I have to go, I have to wake up
With the wounds still new
And the hurt still deep
I lay alone, thoughts deeper
It is not about reaching there ahead
But it is about reaching there for myself
Yet I lie here alone, unable to move
And face this cruel world,
Of joyous people from other’s melancholy
Accomplishment is theirs,
When I give up and refuse
But my eyes are blinded
For my destination is invisible
The path of life leads me to it
But the fear of life stops me from it
Fear in my heart, confidence in my eyes
I wake up…
Wake up to see those dreams
That is on the other side,
Of the path of life, I need to walk ahead
For the way of happiness and the reason for it
Lies in my journey, through the hurdles,
I have to wake up…
For the passion of life is finding the unknown...