Friday, March 26, 2010


Songs have a strong tendency to bring tears to your eyes, smiles to your lips and memories that you cherish!
Any song, whether you like it or not, but have heard it a lot of times on some occasion, you tend to go back to those days when you listen to it.
There was a TV serial title track that I remember listening to. My grandfather used to regularly watch and I actually have my eyes filled with tears, thinking of my grandfather, however have no memory of the song/serial per say.
Certain songs I remember my grandmother playing it on the Veena and her singing them. Those old Tamil/Hindi songs that I listen to now, is dubbed by my grandmother’s voice in my head.
Songs continuously played in the radio while on one of those long drives, songs that you would have never heard otherwise, but still enjoy it today just because of that memory and those days it takes you to.
And there are times, when suddenly you just want to keep listening to them and enjoy those moments of nostalgia.
That just happened to me today. I am sitting here smiling with my ears plugged and body swaying to the tune that takes me to a world of my own, where reality is far behind. Where happiness and present is all that matters and no thoughts of what happened, and what is going to happen.
Strange, how we remain happy for a few seconds in a world so far, so far away from reality and refuse to come back to the world we have to live in. Strange, how we know what we are doing is taking us nowhere, but still enjoy those moments of fantasies, dreams and nostalgia.
Songs not only bring me smiles and tears, but also take me to a world that I really want to be in. It takes me to that past that I lived like today, but enjoyed much later in life.
Today may be a day I may remember a few years later and listen to a song that brings me back to today for me to feel nostalgic. Thinking about it, did I enjoy today the way I would enjoy today 10 years from now? Hard to tell aint it?
I wonder if any of us really enjoyed those days we miss now – did we live the moment? …..
Hard to answer, coz I would go back and say those were the best days of my life and today sucks. Not far away from me saying, 2009-2010 were the best days of my life and today sucks!
Live the moment…and don’t forget to enjoy the nostalgia!